
What to really expect from Kubernetes

Mark Shine
June 4, 2024
min read

Ah, Kubernetes! The mere mention of it sends a thrilling chill down the spine of every DevOps enthusiast and developer alike. It’s like stepping into a tech utopia where deploying, managing, and scaling applications becomes a breeze. Welcome to the honeymoon phase, You’ve chosen Kubernetes, picturing a world where your clusters hum along smoothly, automating everything from your morning coffee to scaling your application under heavy loads. But, as with all honeymoons, this one too has an expiration date.

Imagine this: You’ve got your application snugly sitting in a Kubernetes cluster. It’s setup with RabbitMQ handling message queuing, PostgreSQL keeping the data integrity tight, a main GoLang application doing the heavy lifting, now your API’s are alive. Updating your deployments are as easy as editing a single yaml. Within a single command, anyone can upgrade their applications. Now everyone is seeing those repetitive clickOps and repetitive proceeders can to integrated into their Continues Delivery. From commit to production has always felt like a dreams but now it is beginning to feel like its achievable. The truth is, it is! The bad news is, it’s further then you’re aware.

The Honeymoon Phase

If you’re nodding along, chances are you’re either in the honeymoon phase with Kubernetes or you think you’ve got it all figured out. But here’s the reality check — Kubernetes is like that high-maintenance relationship we’ve all been warned about.

Embarking on a journey with Kubernetes is akin to stepping into a vibrant ecosystem teeming with endless possibilities. It’s the dawn of a new era where deploying, managing, and scaling applications transforms from a daunting task into a symphony of efficiency and innovation. This is the honeymoon phase, a period of blissful exploration and boundless optimism where Kubernetes is not just a technology but a beacon of modernisation, promising a future where infrastructure complexity is a tale of the past.

Kubernetes acts as the intelligent infrastructure, orchestrating traffic, resources, and services with unparalleled precision. Together, they form a harmonious ecosystem, powered by the robust and dynamic Kubernetes platform.

This is a time when the promises of Kubernetes seem to align perfectly with your aspirations. You have even gone so far to spin up multiple kubernetes clusters, multiplying this blissful feeling at a multiplier of 5. The vision of clusters humming along, automating not just deployments but scaling under heavy loads as if by magic, is a reality within grasp. The allure of Kubernetes during this phase is undeniable; it’s a technological utopia where complexities are abstracted away, and the focus shifts to innovation and growth.

When the honey moon ends

However, the honeymoon phase is characterised by more than just the initial enchantment. It’s a period of learning and adaptation, where the complexities and nuances of managing a Kubernetes environment begin to surface. Patch updates become regular guests, each visit bringing its own set of challenges and learning opportunities. The upgrade process, initially perceived as a straightforward task, reveals its intricacies, evoking nostalgia for simpler times when solutions were just a reboot away.

As the business scales and regulatory compliances tighten their grip, it gradually gives way to a sobering realisation: maintaining Kubernetes clusters is a sophisticated endeavour. This phase is a rite of passage, where understanding the delicate balance between automation and manual oversight becomes your new reality.

The honeymoon with Kubernetes, though fleeting, is an essential chapter in your journey. It’s a period of both wonder and enlightenment, laying the foundation for the challenges ahead. As the business evolves, so do the demands on your infrastructure. Kubernetes, with all its power and potential, requires a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. The transition from the honeymoon phase to the reality of day-to-day management is gradual but inevitable. It’s a journey from the exhilarating heights of possibilities to the grounded realities of operational excellence and resilience.

As with any profound change, it demands patience, perseverance, and a proactive approach to mastering its complexities. The true beauty of Kubernetes lies not in the simplicity of its initial promise but in the depth of its potential to drive innovation, efficiency, and scalability. The honeymoon may end, but the journey with Kubernetes is just beginning, where the full spectrum of its capabilities is realised, and the challenges of today become the triumphs of tomorrow.

Reality Sets In

Now, let’s paint a picture of you gaining access to your Kubernetes cluster. It’s like opening the doors to a world where possibilities are endless, but so are the challenges. Here are a few main areas of pain that you will likely encounter:

As we delve deeper into the journey with Kubernetes, the initial excitement begins to blend with the realisation of the inherent complexities that accompany this powerful platform. Imagine yourself at the threshold of your Kubernetes cluster, this moment marks the transition from theoretical understanding to practical application, where the vast landscape of Kubernetes unfolds before you, offering both boundless opportunities and formidable challenges.

The Daunting Task of Upgrading Kubernetes

One of the first hurdles you’re likely to encounter is the process of upgrading Kubernetes itself. Each release of Kubernetes is a double-edged sword; on one side, it offers enticing new features and essential bug fixes, enhancing the platform’s capabilities and security. On the other, it presents a labyrinthine task of ensuring that your entire application ecosystem — from the smallest microservice to the most critical database — transitions seamlessly into the new version. This is not merely a technical challenge but a strategic one, requiring meticulous planning, testing, and execution to avoid disruptions and maintain the integrity of your services.

The Ongoing Battle with OS Updates and AWS Component Management

Venturing further into the management of your infrastructure, the complexity intensifies when dealing with the underlying operating system (OS) and the AWS components that scaffold your Kubernetes cluster. AWS, a behemoth in the cloud infrastructure realm, does not handhold through the intricacies of instance management. When faced with hypervisor restarts or the need for instance upgrades, the responsibility falls squarely on your shoulders. Manual intervention becomes a necessary evil, as you navigate the delicate operation of stopping and starting instances, ensuring data persistence, and minimising downtime — a task that demands both technical acumen and operational foresight.

Mastering the Art of Infrastructure Containers and Service Draining

As your applications and services grow in complexity, so does the need for zero downtime during updates and maintenance activities. This is where the art of managing infrastructure containers and executing service draining comes into play. Far from being a straightforward task, it requires a nuanced understanding of your cluster’s architecture and the ability to orchestrate updates in a way that users experience no service interruptions. It’s an intricate dance, akin to conducting an orchestra, where each movement must be precisely timed and executed to maintain the harmony of your services.

The Task of Lifecycle Management

Perhaps the most encompassing challenge you will face is the lifecycle management of not just Kubernetes, but every component within your digital ecosystem. This includes the operating system on which your clusters run, the databases that store your critical data, and the monitoring tools that provide insights into your system’s health and performance. Each element requires diligent care — they must be consistently updated, securely backed up, and always ready to support the demands of your applications. The task is Herculean, demanding a proactive approach to infrastructure management, where foresight, precision, and a commitment to best practices ensure the smooth operation of your services.

As reality sets in, the journey with Kubernetes reveals itself to be both exhilarating and daunting. It’s a path that requires not just technical skills, but strategic vision, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Navigating the complexities of Kubernetes management is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to embrace the challenges, the rewards are unparalleled. The promise of Kubernetes is not just in its capability to scale and manage applications but in the journey of growth and learning it offers to those who venture into its depths.

The DevOps Calvary

So, how do you tackle this Hydra? Picture hiring two DevOps engineers tasked with building CI/CD pipelines, wrestling with AWS Terraform, and charming the snakes of Ansible and Kubespray. They’re the architects of your infra cluster, wielding logs, monitoring tools, and security, ensuring compliance and operational excellence.

To develop CI/CD integrations while ensuring compliance and facilitating auditing, follow these simplified steps:

  1. Choose the Right Tools: Select CI/CD and infrastructure management tools that support compliance and security features. Look for tools that can automate compliance checks and securely manage sensitive information. Your stack begins to look like Gitlab, Ansible, code linters, Trivy, databases, performance tools, nexus, registries, integration built on kubernetes integration.
  2. Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Define your infrastructure with code using tools like Terraform. This makes it easier to enforce compliance, automate provisioning, and keep a history of changes.
  3. Secure Your Pipeline: Ensure that data is encrypted, access is controlled, and sensitive information like passwords is securely managed. This helps in protecting your pipeline from unauthorised access.
  4. Automate Testing and Compliance Checks: Incorporate tools into your pipeline that automatically test for security vulnerabilities and check for compliance with regulations. This helps in catching issues early.
  5. Monitor and Log Everything: Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on your system’s health and security. Also, make sure all actions and changes are logged in a central place. This is crucial for auditing purposes.
  6. Review and Improve Continuously: Keep track of compliance and security issues that arise, and use this feedback to improve your processes. Stay updated with compliance requirements as they evolve.
  7. Plan with Compliance in Mind: Start by understanding the compliance requirements your project needs to meet. This could involve rules from industry standards or government regulations.

By simplifying the approach to developing CI/CD integrations with a focus on compliance and auditing, you create a workflow that is not only efficient but also secure and compliant with necessary regulations. This streamlined process ensures that your development practices meet high standards for security and regulatory compliance.

Ankra to the Rescue: Navigating Post-Honeymoon Kubernetes with Ease

Welcome to the world where Kubernetes maintenance doesn’t spell dread. If you’ve ever felt like you’re orchestrating a symphony with instruments you barely understand, you’re not alone. That’s the post-honeymoon phase of Kubernetes for many. But fear not, for Ankra is here to anchor your ship through the stormy seas of cluster management.

Automation at Its Finest

At its core, Ankra is about automation. But not just any automation — we’re talking about intelligent, compliance-aware, and context-sensitive automation that understands your infrastructure’s unique needs. Whether it’s rolling out patches, upgrading Kubernetes versions, or ensuring your clusters meet GDPR, DORA, ISO, NIS, and PCI-DSS standards, handles it with the grace of a seasoned conductor leading an orchestra.

In the fast-paced world, firms are under constant pressure to ensure their applications are always available, secure, and performing at peak levels. Downtime, even for a few minutes, can lead to significant revenue loss, not to mention the erosion of customer trust and potential regulatory scrutiny. Traditional IT operations often involve teams of DevOps professionals continuously monitoring for issues, a resource-intensive approach that can still fall short of preventing all outages or performance dips.

Enter Ankra, a solution that revolutionises this paradigm by automating the monitoring and maintenance of the firm’s digital infrastructure. Ankra employs advanced algorithms to continuously analyse the health, performance, and security posture of applications and underlying infrastructure. This isn’t just about generating alerts for human operators to act upon; ANKRA takes it a step further by initiating pre-defined, automated remediation actions when issues are detected. This could range from simple fixes like restarting a failed service to more complex adjustments such as scaling resources in response to an unexpected surge in demand.

The Core:

  • Continuous Health Checks: Ankra performs real-time health checks on all components of the application stack, from the underlying infrastructure to the application layers. This ensures that any deviation from the expected performance or behavior is immediately identified.
  • Automated Remediation: Upon detecting an issue, Ankra doesn’t just alert a human operator; it automatically triggers predefined remediation workflows designed to resolve the issue with minimal or no downtime.
  • Performance Optimisation: Beyond just keeping the lights on, Ankra continuously optimises the application environment for performance, ensuring that resources are efficiently allocated based on current demand and usage patterns.
  • Security Posture Maintenance: Ankra also monitors the security posture of the infrastructure, automatically applying patches and updates to ensure that the system remains resilient against emerging threats.

If its from power up your DevOps toolbox of ready to go solutions from a platform, or developing your lifecycle from scratch, we have a solution that scales from startups to enterprises.

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